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When and Why the Declaration of Value is Required in Italy

A declaration of value, commonly referred to as a DOV, is an official document issued by the Italian diplomatic authorities (Consulates or Embassies) in the country where the educational qualification was obtained. This document certifies the authenticity of the qualification, its level, and its conformity with the local educational system. The Declaration of Value (DOV) is essential in various situations, especially for the recognition of foreign qualifications in Italy. It is also required for applicants seeking a qualified worker visa or those intending to pursue further education in Italy. These are the specific circumstances where a Declaration of Value may be required:

Recognition of Foreign Academic Degrees: The DOV is essential when seeking official recognition of a foreign degree or diploma in Italy. This recognition is typically needed to pursue further studies, such as enrolling in a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programme at an Italian university. The DOV certifies the value and authenticity of the qualification, ensuring that it aligns with Italian academic standards.

Admission to Higher Education in Italy: Applicants wishing to enrol in Italian higher education institutions with foreign qualifications will often need a DOV. This applies not only to university courses but also to specialised training programmes or professional schools. The DOV helps Italian institutions assess whether the foreign qualification provides the necessary foundation for admission. For admission to universities or other higher education institutions in Italy, a DOV is often required to prove the authenticity and equivalency of your foreign qualifications. Whether you are applying for undergraduate studies, a master’s degree, or a doctoral programme, Italian universities generally request a DOV to ensure that the qualifications obtained abroad are equivalent to those awarded within the Italian educational system. The DOV is necessary for assessing the eligibility of candidates and ensuring that they meet the academic standards required for enrolment. This is especially important for postgraduate studies, where specialised qualifications and prior studies must align with the specific requirements of the intended course.

Recognition of School titles: Educational institutions, especially for those still completing compulsory school studies or for students who have obtained foreign secondary education qualifications, may require a DOV to assess the equivalence and validity of the foreign certificates before allowing admission. Territorial Departments, formerly known as Provincial Education Offices, are responsible for the recognition of pre-university level qualifications. If you have completed secondary education abroad and wish to pursue further studies in Italy, these departments may require a DOV to evaluate the comparability of your education with the Italian system.

Participation in Public Competitions: For individuals wishing to take part in public sector competitions in Italy (concorsi pubblici), the Declaration of Value (DOV) may be required to validate foreign academic degrees or qualifications, especially when they are not related to regulated professions (such as law or medicine, which follow separate recognition procedures). In these cases, the DOV serves as an official document that helps Italian public institutions determine whether the foreign title or qualification meets the specific academic or professional standards required for the competition. Italian public bodies, when hiring for various roles, need to ensure that any foreign qualifications presented by candidates are equivalent to those obtained in Italy. The DOV plays a crucial role in this process by providing essential information about the qualification’s authenticity, the level of education it represents, and how it compares to similar qualifications in Italy. This verification ensures that candidates are adequately qualified for the role they are applying for and helps maintain the integrity of the public selection process. When engaging in dealings with Italian public administrations, a declaration of value is frequently needed to validate your foreign qualifications. For example, if you are applying for a public sector job or pursuing a position within an organisation that operates under Italian law, you will likely need a DOV to certify that your qualifications meet the Italian standards. This is particularly relevant in cases where specific academic or professional credentials are required by law or regulation to occupy certain roles or positions.

Recognition of Professional Qualifications: The Declaration of Value (DOV) is commonly required for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications in Italy, particularly for professions that are regulated by national laws. These include fields such as law, engineering, architecture, teaching, and others, where strict professional standards are enforced. The DOV helps Italian authorities assess whether the foreign qualification aligns with the criteria needed for practising the profession in Italy. However, for regulated professions within the European Union, a different document is required: the Certificate of Conformity. This certificate, issued by competent authorities in each EU member state, attests that a professional qualification meets EU regulatory standards. The Certificate of Conformity ensures that professionals can practise their profession across EU countries. For example, in Austria, the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth issues certificates for primary education professionals, while in Belgium, the Ministry of the German-speaking Community handles the certification for various educational sectors. This system facilitates the free movement of professionals within the EU and guarantees that qualifications obtained in one member state are recognised as valid and compliant across other EU countries. Thus, while the DOV remains crucial for non-EU qualifications, for professionals within the EU, the Certificate of Conformity is the key document required for the recognition of professional qualifications.

Qualified Worker Visa Applications: Foreign nationals seeking a qualified worker visa in Italy are often required to submit a Declaration of Value (DOV) as part of their visa application process. This requirement is particularly crucial when the position they are applying for demands specialised qualifications or professional skills obtained outside of Italy. The DOV serves as an official document that helps Italian immigration authorities evaluate the authenticity, level, and relevance of the applicant’s foreign qualifications in relation to Italian standards. The DOV ensures that the qualifications of the applicant are accurately assessed, especially when the job involves technical, professional, or academic expertise that is essential for the role. It provides a clear understanding of the foreign education system and the professional qualification’s value within that context, helping authorities determine whether the applicant meets the eligibility requirements for the visa category. Furthermore, in cases where the position falls within a regulated profession, such as engineering, healthcare, or law, the DOV may be just one of several documents needed. For applicants from European Union countries, the Certificate of Conformity may also be required, as it verifies that the qualifications meet the EU standards for professional practice, thus simplifying the visa approval process. Italian immigration authorities rely on the DOV to make informed decisions about the applicant’s ability to meet the demands of the job market, particularly in sectors requiring a high level of specialised knowledge or qualifications. By ensuring that foreign qualifications are equivalent to their Italian counterparts, the DOV supports a more efficient and transparent visa approval process, safeguarding the quality of the Italian labour market while promoting the integration of skilled workers from abroad.

Recognition of Qualifications in the Health Sector: The recognition of foreign qualifications in the health sector is particularly rigorous in Italy, due to the critical nature of healthcare services and the strict standards imposed by national regulations. Healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other medical practitioners who obtained their qualifications outside the EU must provide a Declaration of Value (DOV) when seeking recognition of their credentials in Italy. However, for healthcare professionals accredited in EU countries, the DOV is not required. In these cases, they must instead submit a Certificate of Conformity with the applicable EU legislation (Directive 2005/36/EC) for the qualification(s) they wish to use in Italy. This certificate must be issued by the competent authority in the country where the qualification was obtained and is necessary for practising healthcare services in Italy. The Certificate of Conformity, which attests that their qualifications comply with European Union directives is issued by the relevant competent authority in the country where the qualification was obtained, facilitates cross-border recognition of healthcare qualifications within the EU, ensuring that professionals can practise freely across member states under harmonised standards. The DOV is a fundamental document in this context because healthcare is a highly regulated field where the quality of education, training, and professional competence must meet precise national and international standards. It serves as an official certification that helps Italian authorities assess the level, authenticity, and comparability of foreign medical qualifications in relation to the Italian system. This assessment is critical not only to ensure that the healthcare professionals possess the required knowledge and skills but also to protect patient safety and maintain the quality of healthcare services in Italy. Moreover, the DOV aids in the process of understanding the specific structure of foreign healthcare training programmes, such as the length of study, the subjects covered, and the type of clinical practice involved, all of which are essential to ensure that foreign-trained professionals meet Italian regulatory and ethical standards. Given the complexity and importance of healthcare roles, the DOV is not merely a procedural formality but a vital tool for Italian authorities to safeguard public health. It ensures that all healthcare practitioners, regardless of their country of training, are fully qualified to meet the professional and ethical demands of the Italian healthcare system. Therefore, the recognition process, supported by the DOV, enables foreign-trained healthcare professionals to integrate into the Italian system while maintaining the high standards that are critical to the profession.

Scholarships and Financial Aid: When applying for scholarships, grants, or other forms of financial aid in Italy, individuals holding foreign qualifications may be required to present a Declaration of Value (DOV). This document plays a crucial role in confirming the legitimacy and academic level of the applicant’s qualifications in relation to the Italian education system. Many Italian universities, research institutions, and private or governmental organisations offering financial support need to assess whether the foreign qualifications meet the required academic standards for eligibility. The DOV ensures that the foreign academic background aligns with the criteria established for the specific funding programme. For example, scholarships for postgraduate studies often have strict prerequisites, such as possessing a degree equivalent to an Italian bachelor’s or master’s qualification. The DOV helps the institution verify whether the applicant’s foreign education meets these requirements, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding the applicant’s suitability for the programme. Furthermore, in the context of competitive grants, the DOV can be an essential tool for comparing foreign qualifications against those of other applicants, ensuring fairness in the selection process. It not only validates the qualification’s authenticity but also provides a detailed overview of the educational system in the country of origin, giving insight into the applicant’s academic journey. Without this verification, applicants may face delays or potential disqualification from scholarship or financial aid opportunities, making the DOV a pivotal part of the application process for international students or professionals seeking financial support for further studies in Italy.

If you intend to apply for an EU Blue Card If you intend to apply for an EU Blue Card work permit in Italy, which is a special visa category for highly qualified professionals from non-EU countries, presenting a Declaration of Value (DOV) is a critical requirement to ensure that your academic and professional qualifications meet the necessary standards. The EU Blue Card is specifically designed to attract skilled professionals to work and reside within the European Union, facilitating mobility and economic integration for those with advanced education and expertise. In Italy, obtaining this work permit involves several steps, and the recognition of foreign qualifications through the DOV is an essential part of this process. The DOV is used by Italian authorities to verify that your educational background and professional credentials align with both Italian and European Union standards. It serves as a formal attestation that the degree or qualifications you earned abroad are equivalent to the required levels of education in Italy, ensuring that your skills are appropriately recognised for the highly qualified role you are applying for. This document is particularly important because the EU Blue Card is intended for individuals in specialised fields, such as information technology, engineering, healthcare, and scientific research, where stringent educational and professional qualifications are necessary. In addition to verifying the academic level of your qualifications, the DOV confirms the authenticity and legal validity of your credentials, which are crucial elements for the Italian authorities in determining whether you qualify for the Blue Card scheme. Without the DOV, your application could be delayed or rejected, as the Italian immigration authorities cannot assess the legitimacy of your foreign qualifications without this formal recognition. The EU Blue Card scheme also offers certain benefits, including the right to bring family members to Italy, a path to permanent residency, and the ability to work in other EU countries after a specified period. However, these benefits are contingent upon the successful recognition of your qualifications, and the DOV plays a central role in this recognition process. By ensuring that your academic and professional background meets Italian and EU standards, the DOV facilitates your entry into Italy’s workforce, enabling you to access valuable employment opportunities and contribute to the country’s economy at a high level of expertise. Thus, for highly qualified professionals seeking employment in Italy under the EU Blue Card framework, obtaining a Declaration of Value is not only a mandatory step but also a gateway to achieving career advancement and stability within the European Union. It ensures that your foreign qualifications are fully recognised and valued within the Italian job market, allowing you to pursue professional opportunities with confidence.